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- ; $VER: SuperPlay-Interfaces 1.2 (03.02.97)
- ; Base on the installer script from Thomas Wagner for Interfaces3_6.lha
- ; Author Date Remark
- ; -------------------------------------------------------
- ; Indy 07-Jul-96 Version 1.0
- ; Indy 06-Aug-96 Version 1.1
- ; Indy 03-Feb-97 - add #where-is-oberon
- ; - asks now all questions before start working
- ; - compile example tools
- ; Feel free to use it for own installer-scripts.
- (SET #selectLang (ASKCHOICE
- (PROMPT "")
- (HELP @askchoice-help)
- (CHOICES "English Installation"
- "Deutsche Installation" )
- )
- )
- (IF (= #selectLang 0) (SET @language "english") )
- (IF (= #selectLang 1) (SET @language "deutsch") )
- (IF (= @language "deutsch")
- (
- (SET #msg "Mit diesen Installer-Script werden die Interface-Dateien ins \
- gewünschte Verzeichnis kopiert und dann anschließend zur Erzeugung \
- der .sym- und .obj-Dateien compiliert. Dabei kann gewählt werden welche \
- Objektdateien (.obj, .objs etc.) erzeugt werden sollen und in welchen \
- Verzeichnis sich das sym- und obj-Verzeichnis befindet. Außerdem können die \
- Quellcodes der Example_Tools kopiert und compiliert werden.")
- (SET #whereIsOberon "In welchem Verzeichnis befindet sich der Oberon Compiler?")
- (SET #whereInt-Dir "In welches Verzeichnis sollen die SuperPlay-Interfaces kopiert werden?" )
- (SET #whereSym-Dir (CAT "In welchem gemeinsamen (Ober-)Verzeichnis befindet sich sowohl "
- "das Verzeichnis \"sym\" also auch \"obj\", bzw. wo sollen diese "
- "angelegt werden? " ))
- (SET #whereExamples "In welches Verzeichnis sollen die Example_Tools Beispielsourcen kopiert werden?")
- (SET #whichObjFiles "Welche Objekt-Files sollen angelegt werden? (GC = garbage collector) ")
- (SET #doCopy "Kopiere")
- (SET #doCopyInfo "Kopiere .info Dateien")
- (SET #bigDataGC "Großes Datenmodell mit GC")
- (SET #bigData "Großes Datenmodell ohne GC")
- (SET #smallDataGC "Kleines Datenmodell mit GC")
- (SET #smallData "Kleines Datenmodell ohne GC")
- (SET #compileExamples "Sollen die Example_Tools compiliert werden? Wenn ja mit welcher Option? (GC = garbage collector)")
- (SET #noCompile "Nicht compilieren")
- )
- )
- (IF (= @language "english")
- (
- (SET #msg "With this installer-script you can copy and compile the interface-files and \
- the Example_Tools sourcecodes. ")
- (SET #whereIsOberon "In which directory is your oberon compiler?")
- (SET #whereInt-Dir "Into which directory I should copy the SuperPlay-interfaces?" )
- (SET #whereSym-Dir (CAT "In which common (main-)directory are your \"sym\" AND \"obj\" "
- "drawer, or in which directory should they be created? "))
- (SET #whereExamples "Into which directory I should copy the Example_Tools sourcecodes?")
- (SET #whichObjFiles "Which sort of object-files should be created (gc = garbage collector)? ")
- (SET #doCopy "Copy")
- (SET #doCopyInfo "Copy .info files")
- (SET #bigDataGC "Big data with gc")
- (SET #bigData "Big data without gc")
- (SET #smallDataGC "Small data with gc")
- (SET #smallData "Small data without gc")
- (SET #compileExamples "Should I compile the Example_Tools? IF yes, please select the options (gc = garbage collector).")
- (SET #noCompile "Do not compile")
- )
- )
- ; *** Procedures ***
- (DEST "T:CompileSP")
- (APPEND "STACK 30000\n"
- #parameter)
- )
- (WORKING ("Compile SuperPlay-Interfaces:\n- %s..." #modell))
- (EXECUTE "T:CompileSP")
- (DELETE "T:CompileSP")
- ))
- ; *** Falls nicht vorhanden sym- und obj-Verzeichnis erstellen ***
- (PROCEDURE MakeSymObj(
- (IF (NOT (EXISTS (TACKON #parameter "sym")))
- (MAKEDIR (TACKON #parameter "sym") )
- )
- (IF (NOT (EXISTS (TACKON #parameter "obj")))
- (MAKEDIR (TACKON #parameter "obj") )
- )
- ))
- (MESSAGE #msg)
- ; *** Where is oberon compiler? ***
- (SET @default-dest "Oberon:")
- (SET #oberon-dir (ASKDIR (PROMPT #whereIsOberon)
- (HELP @askfile-help)
- (DEFAULT @default-dest)
- )
- )
- ; *** Zielverzeichnis für Interfaces ermitteln ***
- (SET @default-dest (TACKON #oberon-dir "Interfaces/"))
- (SET #int-dir (ASKDIR (PROMPT #whereInt-Dir)
- (HELP @askfile-help)
- (DEFAULT @default-dest)
- )
- )
- ; *** Verzeichnis für sym-, obj-Verzeichnis ermitteln ***
- (SET @default-dest #oberon-dir)
- (SET #sym-dir (ASKDIR (PROMPT #whereSym-Dir)
- (HELP @askfile-help)
- (DEFAULT @default-dest)
- )
- )
- ; *** Which object files ***
- (SET obj
- (PROMPT #whichObjFiles)
- (HELP @askchoice-help)
- (CHOICES (CAT "obj - " #bigDataGC)
- (CAT "obja - " #bigData)
- (CAT "objs - " #smallDataGC)
- (CAT "objsa - " #smallData)
- )
- (DEFAULT 15)
- )
- )
- ; *** Where Examples? ***
- (SET @default-dest "Example_Tools/")
- (SET #example-dir (ASKDIR (PROMPT #whereExamples)
- (HELP @askfile-help)
- (DEFAULT @default-dest)
- )
- )
- ; *** Compile example tools? ***
- (SET #exaObj
- (PROMPT #compileExamples)
- (HELP @askchoice-help)
- (CHOICES (CAT "obj - " #bigDataGC)
- (CAT "obja - " #bigData)
- (CAT "objs - " #smallDataGC)
- (CAT "objsa - " #smallData)
- (CAT #noCompile )
- )
- )
- )
- ; Results:
- ; --------
- ; #oberon-dir : directory of oberon compiler
- ; #int-dir : destination directory for interfaces
- ; #sym-dir : destination directory for .sym- and .obj files
- ; #example-dir: destination directory for Example_Tools sourcecodes
- ; #obj : compile interfaces options
- ; #exaObj : compile Example_Tools options
- ;*** Interfaces kopieren ***
- (SET #parameter #sym-dir) ; If not exists make sym/obj dir
- (MakeSymObj)
- (FOREACH "Interfaces/" "#?"
- (PROMPT (CAT (#doCopy) (" '%s'..." @each-name)))
- (HELP @copylib-help)
- (SOURCE (TACKON "Interfaces/" @each-name))
- (DEST #int-dir)
- )
- )
- ;*** Copy Example_Tools ***
- (WORKING #example-dir)
- (SET #parameter #example-dir) ; If not exists make sym/obj dir
- (MakeSymObj)
- (IF (<> #example-dir "Example_Tools/")
- (
- (FOREACH "Example_Tools/" "#?.mod"
- (PROMPT (CAT (#doCopy) (" '%s'..." @each-name)))
- (HELP @copylib-help)
- (SOURCE (TACKON "Example_Tools/" @each-name))
- (DEST #example-dir)
- )
- )
- (PROMPT (CAT #doCopy " 'CompileExample_Tools'"))
- (HELP @copylib-help)
- (SOURCE "Example_Tools/CompileExample_Tools")
- (DEST #example-dir)
- )
- (FOREACH "Example_Tools/" "#?.info"
- (PROMPT (CAT (#doCopyInfo) (" '%s'..." @each-name)))
- (HELP @copyfiles-help)
- (SOURCE (TACKON "Example_Tools/" @each-name))
- (DEST #example-dir)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; Oberon Batch-Datei erstellen
- (APPEND (TACKON #int-dir ("spObjects.mod"))
- ("\n")
- (TACKON #int-dir ("SuperPlay.mod"))
- ("\n")
- )
- )
- (SET @execute-dir #sym-dir)
- (SET @default-dest #int-dir)
- (SET #m (TACKON #oberon-dir "Oberon <T:BatchSP >CON:////SuperPlay-Library -m "))
- (SET #ma (TACKON #oberon-dir "Oberon <T:BatchSP >CON:////SuperPlay-Library -ma "))
- (SET #md (TACKON #oberon-dir "Oberon <T:BatchSP >CON:////SuperPlay-Library -md "))
- (SET #mda (TACKON #oberon-dir "Oberon <T:BatchSP >CON:////SuperPlay-Library -mda"))
- (RUN "Resident " (TACKON #oberon-dir "Oberon"))
- (RUN "Resident " (TACKON #oberon-dir "OLink"))
- (RUN (TACKON #oberon-dir "ResidentManager"))
- (IF (IN obj 0) ; Großes Datenmodell mit Garbage Collector
- (
- (SET #modell #bigDataGC)
- (SET #parameter #m)
- (DoIt)
- )
- )
- (IF (IN obj 1) ; Großes Datenmodell ohne Garbage Collector
- (
- (SET #modell #bigData)
- (SET #parameter #ma)
- (DoIt)
- )
- )
- (IF (IN obj 2) ; Kleines Datenmodell mit Garbage Collector
- (
- (SET #modell #smallDataGC)
- (SET #parameter #md)
- (DoIt)
- )
- )
- (IF (IN obj 3) ; Kleines Datenmodell ohne Garbage Collector
- (
- (SET #modell #smallData)
- (SET #parameter #mda)
- (DoIt)
- )
- )
- ; *** Compile Example_Tools ***
- (SET @execute-dir #example-dir)
- (WORKING "Compile Example_Tools")
- (IF (= #exaObj 0) ; Großes Datenmodell mit Garbage Collector
- (
- (EXECUTE "CompileExample_Tools -m")
- )
- )
- (IF (= #exaObj 1) ; Großes Datenmodell ohne Garbage Collector
- (
- (EXECUTE "CompileExample_Tools -ma")
- )
- )
- (IF (= #exaObj 2) ; Kleines Datenmodell mit Garbage Collector
- (
- (EXECUTE "CompileExample_Tools -md")
- )
- )
- (IF (= #exaObj 3) ; Kleines Datenmodell ohne Garbage Collector
- (
- (EXECUTE "CompileExample_Tools -mda")
- )
- )
- (COMPLETE 100)
- (DELETE "T:CompileSP")
- (DELETE "T:BatchSP")
- (EXIT "tschuess\n [|8:)")